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Annelien Tas
Oh my gosh you are so amazing!!
Your horses must be so well trained! And you also must have such a close relationship with them.
I wish I could make my horses like that! Too bad that i live so far away...otherwise i would totally come see you perform!!
Annelien :D
ps-your horses are SO gorgeous!
pure beauty!
Annelien Tas
Oh my gosh you are so amazing!!
Your horses must be so well trained! And you also must have such a close relationship with them.
i wish i could make my horses like that! Too bad that i live so far away...otherwise i would totally come see you perform!!
Annelien :D
ps-your horses are SO gorgeous!
pure beuaty!
You, among all of men, have been singularly blessed by Almighty God Jehovah to have such a unique relationship with undoubtedly the most magnificent of His animal creation....the horse.
Un immense Bravo à vous et vos chevaux!plus encore que de la complicité j'ai vu une réelle symbiose!
Beaucoup d'êtres humains devraient vous prendre en modèle! nul besoin de chambrière!! je n'ai vu que sur internet,mais j'espère avoir l'immense privilège d'assister un jour à un de vos spectacles en France..
Bonne route..
Enfin j'ai su réserver mes billets pour le 27 décembre à Amsterdam ! Cela fait 2 ans que j'attendais ce moment ! Le DVD est superbe les courtes vidéos du site également. Bonne chance pour votre show en Hollande !
Can't wait to see you at olympia agaimn this year!
I love horses very much and I think your horses are beautiful
I love your dvd, and all performance that you show there.I am a Physiotherapist and I am studying Hippotherapy .I know that you are looking for a grooming person to work there.I can do it if you give me the opportunity.Thanks for your show!!!!
bonjour lorenzo !!
je ne vous ai jamais vu en spectacle dommage car je suis une grande fan !! =D J'adore ce que vous faite avec vos chevaux..il y a tant de complicissité !!
bonne continuation !!
When are you coming to the USA? Absolutely amazing. Completely speechless by what you have done.