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Petra Cole
Hallo Lorenzo,if I watch you work with youre Horses,my Heart is getting bigger and bigger,I just want to say Thank you for having sutch A big Heart for Horses!You are wonderfull,youre biggest fan from Germany,
Love Petra
Je viens de voir votre show cet après-midi, enfin ! Tout de meme fort dommage qu'en raison de la petitesse de la piste, vous n'ayez pu faire cette performance avec plus de 6 chevaux ! J'espère qu'Amsterdam en gardera comme leçon que l'on se doit d'inviter un homme de votre trempe qu'avec l'espace correspondant à son talent ! Je compte du reste en référer aux organisateurs. J'espère tout de meme pouvoir vous applaudir une autre fois dans ce pays, encore bravo !
une belle histoire avec ses chevaux. Je trouve ce site extraordinaire, son histoire me fais rêver moi qui est des chevaux.Beau spectacle, mon rêve serais d'aller le voir
hey Lorenzo
i saw your show in amsterdam yesterday (26/12/08) and i loved it...wauw!!!!!
keep on going....and i hope to see you in holland again sometime;)
Crystal Phelps
I saw a video clip of you and you made me cry because it was so beautiful. I know God gave you a gift and you are able to bless so many others. Keep on flying!!!
Hello Lorenzo,
I saw you this day in Amsterdam, I'm a big fan of you, i have 2 horses off my own, Phoenix and Zervana. You are wonderfull with horses, you have my respect.
I´m wishing you a merry Christmas.
Take care.
un petit coucou depuis le sud, j'espere que tout va bien pour toi!! je te souhaite de trés joyeuxes fêtes, et un excellante Année pleine de bonnes choses.
Gros bisous a toi et ta famille a 4 membres ...
Une caresse a petit Darius!!
Sarah Finlayson
Dear Lorenzo,
It is Sarah here and i am still totally in awe of your beautiful way with horses. i have been watching more and more videos and am training my horse Gizmo to follow me... it is slowly geting there. anyway i would still really love for you to come to Australia!!! I'll keep in contact and in practice with Gizmo as i am determine that you will come over to Australia. lots of love Sarah
Rose Sweeney
My love for my horses has kept me sane for all of my life. That love has also encouraged me to search for a way of communicating with them that is based on understanding rather than force. You are encouragement and inspire awe in me. I will never reach the level of communication that you have but you and your horses motivate me to keep trying, to get as close as possible. Thank you, thank you...from Montana, USA