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Coucou Chrystel!

J'ai parcouru avec plaisir toutes les pages de ton site, j'ai aimé tout ce que j'ai vu, tout ce que j'ai lu, et j'ai parfois été émue...

Je te souhaite longue vie dans l'élevage et pleins de bonheur avec tes amours de chats!

Hello dear Chrystel. Everything fine with you ? Wish you a great, sunny week.
Heartly greetings from Mandy with yorkie Duck.:p
Un petit coucou, de la part de Françoise, heureuse propriétaire d'une
seal tortie. Vos chats sont des petites beautés, et vous avez une très belle palette de couleurs. Cordialementp);)
Monika Plobner
Hello Chrystel,

I wish you and your family and your
sweet birman Happy Easter!

Best regards from Germany,
Monika & Avantasia`s Birman
Yvonne Koot
Hello Chrytel,
I try too answer your mails but there is a problem because every time i became them back.So i was on your site and i was thinking maybe this wil work.At first thanks for the beautiful pictures you send me form the babies from Etienne and now are they looking very good, especially the choc tabby man he has a good head. And congratulations for the price Etienne wins on the cat show.With the mom from Etienne, Doortje is her name goes it very well ,next year maybe she is going too get babies again.Give Etienne a big kiss from me. Lovely greetings Yvonne
Hello dear Chrystel. Everything fine with you ? Take care. In Belgium it is springtime, at last...
Wish you a happy Easter.p):p
My HP :
Elisabeth Suchan
Petra Wallendahl
Ira Pistor
Elżbieta Lazano